Does Target Sell Stamps? (Find Out!)

does Target sell stamps

Many of us lead hectic lives trying to juggle our jobs and families – not to mention the social side of things!

Visiting the local post office isn’t always feasible, particularly when their opening hours are pretty inconvenient for the typical 9 to 5’er.

What if grocery stores sold stamps? That would make life easier, wouldn’t it? Does Target sell stamps? Keep reading to find out!

Does Target Sell Stamps?

Believe it or not, stamps are easier to get hold of than you would think. And the answer to this question is yes, Target does sell stamps. No more rushing out on your lunch break or having to wait for the weekend to arrive to visit your local post office. Target has you covered!

Buying Postage Stamps From Target

Before we dive into the finer details, it is worth noting that not all Target stores sell stamps. A good rule of thumb is to get in touch with the store by calling ahead, or alternatively, visit the Target website for more information.

Are Stamps From Target Expensive?

Target as a company does not have the authority to raise the price of stamps. Whether you purchase stamps from your local post office or Target, the price will be the same.

Instead, you can purchase a booklet containing 20 stamps for around $12 – which we think is pretty reasonable!

Can I Purchase Individual Stamps From Target?

Unfortunately, you cannot purchase individual stamps from Target as you would from a post office. It would seem silly to simply sell one at a time and wouldn’t be worth the hassle.

We think purchasing a book of stamps will save you from having to dash to the store the next time you need to mail a letter.

Can I Purchase Envelopes At Target?

Yes, Target has a whole range of envelopes and packaging materials such as postage labels, boxes, tape, and even replacement stamp ink.

The stationary section has a whole range of pens, paper, and other products that may be useful if you are unable to get to the post office. This way, all you will need to do is mail your small parcel or letter when you get a chance.

Does Target Sell Stamps Online?

Yes, you may be glad to know that Target sells stamps online. However, there is a catch; they are sold in printable form. Now, this may not be a problem if you own a printer, but it is inconvenient if you don’t.

Other Stores That Sell Stamps

Grocery stores have come a long way from simply stocking milk and eggs. Nowadays, each grocery store becomes more competitive with one another. Many stores now sell homeware, books, and even real plants!

Selling postage stamps is simply another avenue to venture down. Most grocery stores open their doors around 8am and close at 10/11pm. Some stores are even open 24 hours. This is great news for people who don’t have the time to visit a post office as their opening hours may be similar to an individual’s working hours.

We think selling stamps is a great move for Target! The following stores also sell stamps:

  • Publix
  • Staples
  • Walmart
  • 7-Eleven

How To Find A Target Store That Sells Stamps

Stamps are most likely to be found in Target superstores as there is probably more demand for them. Superstores are often located in busier places like town areas.

To find your nearest Target store, you will need to visit the website and do the following:

  • Locate the ‘Find Stores’ tab on the right hand side of the home page.
  • From here you will be prompted to enter your ZIP code.
  • Once you have entered this information, the page will refresh with a variety of Target stores that are near to your location.

Stamp Wars: Target vs Post Office. Which Is Best?

As Target does not have any authority to increase or decrease the price of stamps, it’s safe to say there really isn’t much competition here.

The only major difference is that the post office allows customers to purchase individual stamps. Shoppers must buy a booklet of stamps when purchasing from Target.

We’re just happy to see Target selling items that are helpful to those that lead busy lifestyles and may struggle to get to a post office through the week.


So there you have it, Target sells stamps. This is great news if you didn’t have time to fly by your local post office. Not all Target stores stock postage stamps, so it might be worth giving your local store a call to avoid disappointment.

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